A lamp unto my feet…

Psalm 119:105 – “Your word is lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Taking days off has always been a struggle for me. Yet, I am thankful when I have the opportunity to do so, thanks to people that enable me to “let go.” Yesterday was a great day off. For once, I didn’t have a true agenda to stress myself out to accomplish in a day, yet God helped me fill it! I spent the day with my mini-me having a breakfast meeting to talk with our Program Director of Elevate about our Residental Housing Program, followed by the KTIS sticker stop – at Ava’s pushing to go! There, we met with Dave St. John, Station Manager for KTIS, as well as Jeff with Bold3 – 2 organizations I have been meaning to connect with about our vision. What a blessing! We then had a fun day making more connections that God laid out for us, including reconnecting with a great friend, and ending the night with family to celebrate her brother’s accomplishments. Even in the midst of what seems like chaos and uncertainty, God is a light unto my path. I must just remember that it is His role to lead, and my role to follow. He will make the way for our mission, and the steps He has planned for my life.