
With so many raising their hand out communities today – how are you feeling called? Are you feeling lead to physically walk alongside someone? To give financially? To volunteer at a food shelf, or an animal rehab, or to travel and help on the other side of the world? Supporting our communities can begin in our own backyard or it can lead us to another continent. However you are being called, don’t ignore the nudge. Follow it. Listen. And remember that it is not about WHAT you give, it is simply THAT you give. Simply acknowledging that there are young moms raising their hands for help… littles ready to be loved on by you today… Acknowledge, and act – in however you feel called. #raiseyourhand #community #endinghomelessness #give #love #COVIDcantstopGOOD
“Then Peter said, ‘Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you.’” Acts 3:6a (NIV)